The league is open and if you are interested in dropping to play check us out on a Thursday League Night at Arkadium Retro Arcade.

Check the events page for the dates and times of the events.

Below are the final League Standings for season 7:
– The worst four scores out of the total of 12 events have been removed.
– If you win any event you will automatically qualify for the A division.

* Player qualified for ‘A’ division League Final

DHPL: League Standings

PlacePlayer NameWinsDHPL Points Division
1Kyle Harvey*4417A
2Jordan Penner*2342A
3Elie Kushner*1393A
4David Johnston US*1372A
5Mike Wieschorster*1292A
6Ryan James*1233A
7Paul Sinclair0398A
8Alex Kemp0329A
9Jeff Gully0321A
10Braem Yakimets0294A
11Grant Rankin0280B
12Scott Stinchcombe0277B
13Michael Gartner0276B
14Garrett Kruger0268B
15Brenda Yakimets0264B
16Jason Cooper0260B
17Jason Zazula0259B
18Brendan Robbins0251B
19Steve Richards0251B
20Krista Gosko0242B
21Loren Rolheiser0234B
22Gilles Touchette0234B
23Cody Tompkins0232B
24Tyler Doty0217B
25Jason Brittain0216B
26Sydney Harvey0200B
27Karen Benoit0199C
28Gabrielle Richards0197C
29Chris Van Belois0190C
30Wes Harris0183C
31Amy Harris0170C
32Luca Stinchcombe0161C
33Jesse Townsend0160C
34John Kottmann0159C
35Bryce Althouse0155C
36Jason Ploof0153C
37Calvin Chou0136C
38Kevin Vesso0132C
39Steve Lubarsky0124C
40Ryan Pollard0118C
41Chad Lucyk0115C
42Andrew Richards099C
43Randy Stinchcombe097D
44Winston Herbert088D
45Brett Starkey083D
46Neil Yakimets080D
47Steve Van Drunen070D
48Andrew Stevenson069D
49Ob Mccurdy069D
50Anson Cooper066D
51Alyssa Wardill065D
52Dave Formenti064D
53Brian Kennedy052D
54Tony Batti050D
55Danitza Rupcic047D
56Janell Robbins046D
57Christa Lucyk045D
58Kim Formenti040D
59Theresa Hurst034E
60Xavier Batti033E
61Grant Tarapacki029E
62Lando Gyurek026E
63Thomas Badree025E
64Seth Lubarsky025E
65Trista Cooper024E
66Quinton Herbert023E
67Lorenzo Andre021E
68Dale Kemp021E
69Alan Harvey021E
70Konner Wood019E
71Dave Bencsik016E
72Michael Beck014E
73Michaela Crawford014E
74Selina Rupcic011E
75Michael Sale010E

Rookie of the Year – Standings

PlacePlayer NameDHPL Points
8Alex Kemp329
13Michael Gartner276
14Garrett Kruger268
16Jason Cooper260
20Krista Gosko242
21Loren Rolheiser234
23Cody Tompkins232
25Jason Brittain216
27Karen Benoit199
29Chris Van Belois190
30Wes Harris183
31Amy Harris170
33Jesse Townsend160
34John Kottmann159
36Jason Ploof153
37Calvin Chou136
38Kevin Vesso132
39Steve Lubarsky124
43Randy Stinchcombe97
46Neil Yakimets80
47Steve Van Drunen70
48Andrew Stevenson69
50Anson Cooper66
51Alyssa Wardill65
53Brian Kennedy52
54Tony Batti50
55Danitza Rupcic47
56Janell Robbins46
59Theresa Hurst34
60Xavier Batti33
61Grant Tarapacki29
62Lando Gyurek26
64Seth Lubarsky25
65Trista Cooper24
66Quinton Herbert23
69Alan Harvey21
70Konner Wood19
71Dave Bencsik16
72Michael Beck14
73Michaela Crawford14
74Selina Rupcic11

Top Woman Performer – Standings

PlacePlayer NameDHPL Points
15Brenda Yakimets264
20Krista Gosko242
26Sydney Harvey200
27Karen Benoit199
28Gabrielle Richards197
31Amy Harris170
51Alyssa Wardill65
55Danitza Rupcic47
56Janell Robbins46
57Christa Lucyk45
58Kim Formenti40
59Theresa Hurst34
65Trista Cooper24
73Michaela Crawford14
74Selina Rupcic11